Been Stuck, & About Those Library Books I Need to Return Pronto
The words haven’t been stuck but I’ve been reluctant to share what’s on my mind as it all seems just too self-indulgent or worried my private thoughts may be misconstrued. Now and then I do get...
View ArticleFeeling Bloated After All the Holiday Feasting
Since I’m feeling unwell at home, the best use I can make of my time is to update my blog with long overdue posts. Hope to get the blog current before the New Year. I also want to feel better …...
View ArticleBeing Personal on a Blog
Often to write something personal feels like giving away a piece of yourself. But it is rewarding sometimes to be vulnerable and reveal your innermost thoughts. Lately I find myself so reluctant to do...
View Article7 Reasons Why You Should Blog About Food
1. Makes me more self aware of what I’m consuming. I then try not to repeat a bad meal and also make more of an effort to try new things. 2. Revitalises me. Intensifies and makes the experience of...
View Article23rd March 2015
Singaporeans won’t forget the day we lost a giant – an immeasurably brilliant leader. Can’t think of Singapore without thinking of Lee Kuan Yew. Even if we didn’t agree with the methods we can’t help,...
View ArticleThis Week
It’s been an emotionally draining week. I have been more touched than I ever thought I would be. Even now after the national week of mourning is over, you somehow don’t feel the same. I have a greater...
View Article9 Thoughts Running Through My Head Right Now
1. I am impatient for perfection 2. I am constantly thinking and pondering 3. I feel immediate relief when I declutter a little – even if it’s just the tip of the iceberg 4. I am overwhelmed and...
View ArticleFor Anyone Who Has Felt They Don’t Fit In
That’s me all the time. That I don’t fit in or don’t measure up in this world. That no one recognises your value. A value you doubt yourself on a daily basis. Perhaps there’s a planet out there where I...
View ArticleTrying to Blog using the WordPress App
My blog has become a ghost town of sorts. I know I’ve left it alone and I can almost see the tumble weeds blowing in the desolate space. Trying to get the momentum going again. And since I’ve found it...
View ArticlePlagued by the Haze
This haze seems never ending and highly frustrating (infuriating even if you think about how it’s affecting the health of the very young, the elderly and chronically ill). If your loved one’s health is...
View ArticleI Have Cancer: Synchronous Ovarian & Endometrial Cancer
This feels unreal to me, even now, after months of knowing. Felt surreal and indulgent as I typed out that title. It’s why I have not been writing in ages. I’ve only had the energy to update my...
View ArticleThe Worst Part of Cancer
The worst part is definitely a sense of loosing your independence and not being able to do what you used to. I feel it most painfully in the simple things like not being able to carry my nieces or run...
View ArticleAbout Being Positive And Cancer
I had a good mind to start a whole new secret private blog for cancer, but I decided, heck it, I’m writing from my heart, and writers have to be brutally honest, so I just have to hope that people...
View ArticleBest Day in Months
Visited my Aunt, Uncle and nieces today and felt so much joy and love it was indescribable. I was on cloud nine. Energized me so much that chemo fatigue was truly non existent. The innocence, pure love...
View ArticleConfused by My Diagnosis
I’m still trying to wrap my head around my diagnosis. When I first heard that I had ovarian cancer stage 1c I thought great, it will be all cured with the hysterectomy. But after the surgery and...
View Article10 Things I’m Grateful for & Why Oddly Enough the Cancer Feels like a Blessing
I’m in a bright side of life mood right now & I’ll update this list as I recall more sliver linings. It’s making me see how much everyone cares. My Uncle and Aunt who hardly text or take photos...
View ArticleLoosing Hair with the Chemo
I was dreading loosing my hair due to the chemo and prayed that I would be the exception especially when it came to my eyebrows and eyelashes. My oncologist told me that it will all definitely fall out...
View ArticleNot Sure What to Write Today
So much on my mind that I want to offload but I don’t know where to begin. It’s harder to write about negative thoughts because it seems indulgent. But that’s the reality. Before the diagnosis I...
View ArticleLiving For the Day
Might be easier to live day by day or moment by moment rather than to think about the future. And by think I mean worry, which is something I can get an Olympic medal for. During this time you start to...
View ArticleMy Chemo Brain
It’s real and is worse during the chemotherapy session itself. I can’t do more than one thing at a time and find it a huge effort to listen and respond to people talking to me. Just listening and...
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