While the world tries to reduce it’s population increase, we seem to be going in the opposite direction? 6.9 million in 2030? Lets just say 7. I like to round up numbers and don’t even like sales with prices like $9.90 (just make it $10). I’m talking about the paper on Singapore’s future population. Rather depressing.
I am keen for diversity but not keen on making an overcrowded country even more crowded. Our infrastructure seems to be breaking already.
When I was a kid in school I learnt that our population was 2.4 million and back then I thought that was a lot. That was when they were trying to reduce our population with the 2 is enough policy. But back then life was sweeter. I never really felt that Singapore was too crowded but these days I feel claustrophobic when in the train or in a mall. I write this blog to distract myself as I am sure many Singaporeans use blogging as a kind of recreation.
We had less of a global warming problem – Singapore’s temperature seems to be gone up by a couple of degrees. I recall wearing cardigans in Singapore in the 70′s because it actually felt cold with the temperatures around 23 degrees. You hardly get that these days and instead when outside it’s a scorching 37 I think.
Also about the population, I didn’t scrutinize the papers but there seems to be a lot of backtracking since the white paper was released saying it’s not a target or projection (I hope so). We all want a better quality of life here and I just can’t image a better life with such a great increase in population on such a tiny island. Just feels like we are breaking at the seams. I will admit that Singapore has become very vibrant and buzzing but I don’t believe in growth at all costs. I pity the children who will grow up in such an overly competitive environment. I already hate the workplace which is filled with awful office politics with overly aggressive people. This always happens when there is too little for too many. Not that Singaporeans are a particularly bad lot. They all seem to be just trying to survive.
I could be wrong on many counts but these are just my disconnected thoughts for the day. Didn’t feel like talking about food again.